Tuesday, May 11, 2010

BBC Learning English- Message Boards

My Question:
Dear teacher

I want to know which sentence is correct.
a) A job fair will be held in NTUST.
b) A job fair will be held at NTUST.

Thank you very much

Message 2 - posted by OldRover_KE (U10528653) **, 23 Hours Ago
If NTUST means the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (which I had to google to find out), use 'at.

When I used this message boards, I have asked questions on Yahoo knowledge board before. Compared to this site, BBC Message boards' reply is more fast than Yahoo knowledge board's.
Also, their answer is more reliable! Though, the drawback with this message board is lack of explainations and examples. If the staffs can imporve this, it would be better.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

(YouTube clip) David Griffin: Photography connects us with the world

This vedio is like a documentary. The speaker, David Griffin, the photo director for National Geographic, he offered many intriguing photos and talked about how they use photos to tell stories. He said, "I believe that photography can make a real connection to people, and can be employed as a positive agent for understanding the challenges and opportunities facing our world today."

Well, that is also what I think and the reason why I introduce this vedio clip to you. Some photos in the vedio do touch me deeply not only because they are beautiful but address some topics. Enjoy it!

Live my life in my way!

    This Thursday I watched Steve Job’s Stanford Commencement Speech from YouTube. It was truly an inspiring speech for me. He shared his life experience and what lessons he has got from his setbacks. His genuine speech did make me seriously think about what direction my life is taking, who I am and where I am going.

      As the CEO of Apple and Pixar, Steve Job must have some amazingly personals traits. Out of his speech, I believe his courage, passion and intuition are some factors that lead him to success. I appreciate his courage to follow his inner voice and made a decision to be a dropout. Because he dared to take a risk, he became the founder of Apple. “You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever “ Steve said. His gut and trust in life are just what I lack. Sometimes I hesitate to take a chance when an opportunity knocks. I tend to consider too much such as external expectations and fear or embarrassment of failure. What I should do is to follow my heart and don not let those things drag my feet. Although I may make a wrong decision, I won’t blame others and feel regretful because that’s what I chose and what I love. At least, I live my life in my way. Besides, "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right" he said. To be honest, I never think of death because it is terrible and inauspicious. But now I would like to ask myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do today?" As what he said, this is helpful to think what is truly important. In the face of death, those considerations or doubts in my heart seem to mean nothing at all.

      Also, he encouraged us by saying “If you haven't found what you love yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it." Even if I haven’t found what I love yet, I believe I will find it in the near future. Besides, when he talked about his failure, he said,” The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again.”After hearing this, I think I should be fearless and have guts to take a risk because I am a beginner who gets nothing to lose.

     In a word, Steve Job is really, really a charismatic person, who excels in inspiring people. Out of his speech, I get more faith and braveness. Aside from this, some uncertainties to future are smoothed out. I’ve got to think what matters most to me. Live my life in my way. Moreover, Stay hungry, Stay foolish!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My notetaking from ESL Podcast 565 – Dating a Friend’s Ex

ESL Podcast 565 – Dating a Friend’s Ex
  • ex.   A person’s former boyfriend or girlfriend
  • To take it well.   To handle or manage a negative situation calmly and positively
  • Object   To oppose sth.
  • broke up  To end a relationship with sb
  • Moved on.  To start doing or discussing sth. new ( get over it and find another fish in the sea)
  • has a thing for him  You are romantically attracted to that person.
  • Off- limits   Not allowed ,or prohibited
  • Sneaking around behind her back  To hide what you are doing
  • Clued her in   To tell sb. what is happening
  • All hell is going to break loose   (Informal phrase)There will a big problem.
  • Statute of limitations  (Legal term) the legal limit on the period of time within which action can be taken on a crime or other legal question
  • fair game  Anybody can take it.
  • break it off  To end the relationship or agreement with someone else
  • let the chips fall where they may.  (Common expression) To accept the result of your action especially when the result is negative.
  • wrath  Anger
  • keep this under wraps To keep sth. secret
  • Thank you very much  It means that I am not going to follow your advice.
  • It’s your funeral informal expression  You think the other person’s action will cause another problem.
    Comment: I think ESL Podcast is help for listeing because students can choose any topic they love from various subjects. But the speed is too slow to listen the whole podcast patiently. Besides, I think it can help us to build up phrasal verb. In short, it is good for its plentiful topics and good contents, but a little bit bad by its speed.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Difference of big and large

When you describe sth./ sb.“large”, you means they are big in size or amount.(A large number of people)

However, you can use “big” not only to describe sth./sb. are big in size or amount but to describe sth. is important because of being powerful (The "big three" commercial banks)or having lots of influences(..have made big strides).

Monday, March 8, 2010

A drama about supernatural power

Hello!everyone~ I am Fiona, a girl who was born in Tainan and love this city very much.

This is a place we can share feelings, music, or anything interesting in life~^^
Though I am not used to write something in blog, I will try my best to be a good blogger! XD

This weekend I watched a drama series called Heroes. This series told many stories about  some ordinary people who are actually not common at all. They possess some supernatural powers,like self-healing, transfiguration, prophecy to paintings, and so forth.           

I think some plots are a little bit weird, but some are really awesome. And I'm really expecting the following episodes. Well, I think why Heroes interests me is because this drama let me see something that is not possible in real life! This is also one reason why I love going to movies~