Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My notetaking from ESL Podcast 565 – Dating a Friend’s Ex

ESL Podcast 565 – Dating a Friend’s Ex
  • ex.   A person’s former boyfriend or girlfriend
  • To take it well.   To handle or manage a negative situation calmly and positively
  • Object   To oppose sth.
  • broke up  To end a relationship with sb
  • Moved on.  To start doing or discussing sth. new ( get over it and find another fish in the sea)
  • has a thing for him  You are romantically attracted to that person.
  • Off- limits   Not allowed ,or prohibited
  • Sneaking around behind her back  To hide what you are doing
  • Clued her in   To tell sb. what is happening
  • All hell is going to break loose   (Informal phrase)There will a big problem.
  • Statute of limitations  (Legal term) the legal limit on the period of time within which action can be taken on a crime or other legal question
  • fair game  Anybody can take it.
  • break it off  To end the relationship or agreement with someone else
  • let the chips fall where they may.  (Common expression) To accept the result of your action especially when the result is negative.
  • wrath  Anger
  • keep this under wraps To keep sth. secret
  • Thank you very much  It means that I am not going to follow your advice.
  • It’s your funeral informal expression  You think the other person’s action will cause another problem.
    Comment: I think ESL Podcast is help for listeing because students can choose any topic they love from various subjects. But the speed is too slow to listen the whole podcast patiently. Besides, I think it can help us to build up phrasal verb. In short, it is good for its plentiful topics and good contents, but a little bit bad by its speed.

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